Basically, this Tyutchev’s poem is a warning to grumpy old men. It is written in five quatrains with abab, cdcd, etc. rhyming. The poem is notable for its repetition of “from” five times in the last four stanzas—all of them starting lines. None of the translations I could find is faithful to this repetition, except for Eugene Kayden’s very loose translation in his Poems of Night and Day. And in this translation Kayden replaces “from” with “by”: “I pray we’ll keep ourselves untainted by…” instead of my “Save us then, good genius, from.”
Tyutchev gave no title to this poem. I have added one.
When our declining strength
Begins to fail us,
We must, as elders,
Make way for newcomers.
Save us then, good genius,
From cowardly reproaches,
From slander, from bitterness
Towards our changing life;
From feelings of private malice
Toward the evolving world
Where new guests are seated
For the feast prepared for them;
From the bile of bitter awareness
That the flow no longer carries us
And that others have a vocation,
Others are called forward;
From everything more impassioned
And deeper that’s been hidden so long—
And the more shameful senile love,
Quarrelsome senile fervor.
Fyodor Tyutchev 1866
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